After reading that killer new blog post you published, chances are your reader may want to get to know a little bit more about the writer. It’s totally normal for them to want to get to know the creator behind your awesome website. So you create an “About” page. But what exactly do you write? I know I definitely hit writers block the first time I set down to create my first About Page.
First and foremost, just like everything on your blog, this is about your readers. You About page should not be your entire life story or paragraph after paragraph of personal praise. This page needs to help convince readers that your blog is one they should be following. It needs to be about what they need to read, not what you feel the need to tell.
So with that in mine, here are some key components every About page should include:
Start by clearly stating what your blog is and who it is for
In case there was any misunderstanting, make it clear for your readers.
EX: Welcome to Fresh Picked Fruits! We’re obsessed with sharing recipes that are centered around the freshest, sweetest fruits. No matter what you are craving, from delicious breakfast parfaits to berry filled desserts, we’ve got it all on Fresh Picked Fruits!
Anyone who is looking for recipes that incorporate fresh fruit is instantly thinking “I’m in the right place!”. I also like to inlude links to popular posts in this section.
Introduce yourself
Tell them who you are and a little background story on why you are passionate about your blog subject. Let your unique story shine through! What sets your blog apart from all the other blogs in your niche? Remember to keep it relevant to what your audience needs to hear.
Include pictures
People want to follow real people, don’t be anonymous! Show them that smile of yours! Include some crisp, bright pictures of yourself! You can include pictures of other things relevant to your blog topic (your gym, your kitchen, your home office, your family, etc.).
Make them your friend
Include links to your social media profiles so they can follow along with your blogging journey! Give them some insight as to what type of content you are sharing on each platform as well.
This would be a great spot to include an opt-in box for subscribers. Chances are, if they fall within your niche, they want to follow you! Give them a clear opportunity to do so!