Here are the 10 steps to writing content worthy of a gold crown:
1. It’s not about you- it’s about THEM
When writing blog content, keep your niche in mind. Blog posts should provide your target audience with knowledge, offer support, solve a problem or provide how-to instructions. When you sit down to start brainstorming your blog content, ask yourself some questions. What does your target audience want to read? How will this blog post benefit them? *If you are looking for a fun way to find quick blog post topics, visit a forum that is tailored to your niche. Search for the most popular posts and see what the hot topics are at the moment! You may end up with a quick list of 10 posts before you know it!
2. Set the Stage
Once you know what you want to write about, it’s time to start outlining your post. Think about the message you want this post to convey and build a framework for how you will get that message across. While creating your outline, come up with the first draft of the blog title. Your title may be a work in progress throughout the creating stage. You want to make sure your title includes power words and words that invoke emotion! A title like “Be a better cook” doesn’t hold a candle to a title like “15 steps to being a drastically better cook in 5 days!”
3. Start writing!
At this point, just let the words start flowing! Fill in your outline with the message you are wanting to send.
4. Format
A blog post should be broken down into small, logical sections. Each of these sections should be labeled with a header. Keep in mind, it is easier to read 20 small sections on a website than one large paragraph.
5. Make it Sticky
Once a reader makes it to your blog, give them a reason to stick around for a while. After you have written your post, look for obvious places to reference and link other posts on your site that are of similar content.
6. SEO
Yoast SEO is one of the BEST plug-ins you can download for your blog for Search Engine Optimization. Once you have completed writing your blog, complete the needed actions in Yoast.
7. Edit
You’re almost done! Put the final touches on your blog with proof reading and spell check.
8. Make Marketing Materials
You’ll obviously want to promote this new blog post on social media! Create your marketing materials for Pinterest, Facebook or any other platforms you plan to promote on. Canva has awesome templates for all the major social media sites.
9. One last proof read…
I like to read my posts out loud before moving to the final step. It helps me ensure the post reads well and clearly gets the message across.
Hitting the publish button for the first time is the coolest feeling! You’ve done it!
Now… It’s time to PROMOTE this killer content! Check out how you can start replicating our proven Pinterest strategy that brought it hundreds of thousands of pageviews!